"A click on the sprite makes the playback head jump to any other movie available to your system. " & \
"An optional marker name can be used to jump to a precise point in the new movie. " & \
"(Use the 'Jump to Marker Button' behavior to jump to a marker in the current movie)." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"In order to make use of the Play and Return option, place a Play Done command in the destination movie." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"This behavior is designed for use with the 'Jump Back Button'. " & \
"You can set it to record the movie name and the frame number of the current marker so that the 'Jump Back Button' can subsequently return. " & \
"NOTE: This feature relies on a global variable: gNavigationButtonList." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"Graphic members" & RETURN & RETURN & \
"* Movie to jump to" & RETURN & RETURN & \
"If the target movie is in the same folder as the current movie then you need only enter the name of the movie. " & \
"If the movie is in a different folder, then enter the full or relative path name to the target movie." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"* Marker to jump to in the new movie (optional)" & RETURN & \
"* 'Go to' or 'Play and return'?" & RETURN & \
"* Remember current marker for Back button?" & RETURN & RETURN & \
"Select 'Remember current marker for Back button' to ensure that the behavior 'remembers' which markers have already been visited." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"Use the associated 'Jump Back Button' behavior on a separate sprite to return to visited movies in reverse order." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"+ Jump to Marker Button" & RETURN & \
"+ Jump Back Button" & RETURN & \
"+ Jump Forward Button" & RETURN & \
"+ Push Button (to alter rollover / mouseDown states)"
end getBehaviorDescription
on getBehaviorTooltip me
return \
"Use with graphic members." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"Jumps to a specified movie on mouseUp." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"Use this behavior with the 'Jump Back Button' to allow the user to return to visited movies."
end getBehaviorTooltip
-- The main handler is Jump, which is triggered by mouseUp. The Initialize
-- handler prepares for the case where you have chosen a marker name for the
-- distant movie, and this marker does not in fact exist. It also checks if
-- the global gNavigationButtonList has a valid structure (if necessary), or
-- warns you if you did not select a movie when you first attached the
-- behavior.
-- Information about what markers have already been visited is stored in a
-- global variable: gNavigationButtonList. As a global, this variable is
-- available to all navigation behaviors, on any sprite in any movie.
-- gNavigationButtonList has the following structure: